Environmental Policy of Hacks Malaysia

Hacks Malaysia Sdn Bhd is one of the leading manufacturers of hard candy (confectionery) in Malaysia. The Company adopts a high level of environmental awareness and care in their activities. To minimize environmental impacts concerning our activities, products, and services, we shall:
  • Comply with applicable requirements on environmental matters.
  • Prevent and minimize environmental contamination by reducing waste through careful use of materials and energy while maximizing the 3R concept (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle).
  • Set and review objectives and targets to improve environmental core performance based on systematic evaluation of processes and products.
  • Provide training to employees appropriate to their knowledge, roles, and responsibilities for protecting the environment.
  • Continuously find ways to improve our facilities to prevent pollution of the environment.
  • Encourage environmental protection among customers, suppliers, and contractors associated with the company.
Environmental Policy
Copyright @ 2022 Hacks Malaysia Sdn Bhd (8526-K)
By Web Design Malaysia, Zoewebs